Meet the Creator, Ronda Lee

My name is Sharonda Lee. My friends and family call me Ronda.  I’m a mom, and GiGi to Caden and Cambree. I’ve loved crafting for many years. Crafting turned into my quiet and peaceful place. It wasn’t until 2020 that I started making moves to turn my hobby into an actual business.

September 2021 was when I posted my first video. It was so hard to click post, but I did it. There are some good and bad days, but I’m doing what I love to do. and everyone isn’t going to love what I do. And I’m good with that. That’s why for CCBYRL we believe: AN IDEA UNIQUE TO YOU TRANSFORMED INTO SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL!

Client Love

Would you like to be featured on our website? Simply film an unboxing & post your video on Tiktok. Don’t forget to tag us @customcraftsbyrondalee!